Published paper October 2020: The clinical effectiveness of an algorithm-guided treatment program for depression in specialized mental healthcare: A comparison with efficacy trials
Published paper in May 2020: Patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives on relevant treatment outcomes in depression: qualitative study
Oral Presentation at ISPOR Europe International Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research), Copenhagen, November 2019 – Development of a decision-aid for patients with depression considering treatment options: prediction of treatment response using a data-driven approach
Poster presentation at ISPOR Europe (International Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research), Barcelona, November 2018 – Patient-reported outcomes in patients with depression: a qualitative study.
Oral presentation at EUHEA (European Health Economic Association), Maastricht, July 2018 – Implementing a more cost-effective mental health care system: Considerations other than cost-effectiveness for priority setting in depression care. Click here for abstract information.
Conference Workhop presentations at ENMESH (European Network For Mental Health Service Evaluation), Groningen, October 2017 – Use of observational data to gain insight into disease burden and treatment choices. Case studies in depression and psychosis. Click here for abstract information.
Organisation of an Invitational Pre-Conference Workshop ENMESH (European Network For Mental Health Service Evaluation), Groningen, October 2017 – Personalized treatment in mental health care – Economic Evaluation and shared decision making based on routinely collected data. For program information details check the following link.
Oral presentation at the ICMPE Congres (13th Workshop on Costs and Assessment in psychiatry: Mental health Policy and Economics), Venice, March 2017 – Treatment costs in secondary and tertiary mental health care in patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Published paper: The Prodromal Questionnaire: a case for IRT-based adaptive testing of psychotic experiences?